The Whole Committee
1. All Wimborne U3A Committee Members are automatically Trustees of the Charity which is Wimborne U3A, Charity Number 1096535.
2. Some Committee Members will be signatories on Wimborne U3A cheques.
1. To lead Wimborne U3A.
2. To administer Wimborne U3A, including ensuring it functions within its Constitution.
3. To chair the Annual General Meeting and all Executive Committee Meetings.
4. To arrange the Agenda for said Meetings and distribute required information in advance of each meeting to Committee Members.
5. To chair Leaders’ Meetings.
6. To delegate duties to Committee Members as appropriate.
7. To represent Wimborne U3A at Dorset Network Meetings.
8. To complete and submit the Trustees’ Annual Report to the Charity Commissioners in accordance with the current Charity Commission requirements.
1. To deputise for the Chairman when required.
2. To be the Committee Link with all Committee Invitees and the Social Events Co-
3. To support the Chairman in all operational aspects of Wimborne U3A.
4. To carry out any other duties which are required from time to time.
5. To recommend additional development of Wimborne U3A.
1. To maintain contact with the Third Age Trust and other U3As.
2. To complete returns to the Third Age Trust as required.
3. To retain relevant paperwork from the Third Age Trust and elsewhere, for reference when needed.
4. To deal with correspondence as appropriate.
5. To retain all Agenda and Signed Minutes.
6. To prepare and distribute all communications with the Wimborne U3A Membership regarding the Annual General Meeting.
1. To maintain full and accurate records showing receipt and expenditure of Wimborne U3A funds.
2. To ensure those funds are used in a proper manner, in association with the Chairman.
3. To report on those records to each Committee Meeting.
4. To prepare an annual statement of accounts for presentation at the Annual General Meeting according to the Charity Commission format.
5. To deal with payments and receipts as required.
6. To maintain files of correspondence and information regarding financial matters relating to Wimborne U3A.
7. To ensure Gift Aid is used appropriately.
8. To liaise with the local bank used by Wimborne U3A.
9. To make recommendations to the Committee regarding potential future financial transactions and their implications.
10. To liaise with the Equipment Manager, who maintains a record of all capital purchases and who holds each item, in respect of their cost .
11. To assist the Chairman and Secretary when the Annual Report to the Charity Commissioners needs completion.
Groups Secretary
1. To support Course Leaders and to be their first port of call if there is a problem.
2. To maintain a record of Course Leaders, their contact details, their Courses and Venues and to communicate this information to the Membership Secretary for inclusion in the Wimborne U3A Database.
3. To ensure all Course Leaders have a copy of relevant documents, eg Leaders’ Handbook, Accident Report Form, etc.
4. To manage the Wimborne U3A On Show event in conjunction with the Chairman.
5. Actively to seek and encourage additional Leaders for new Courses and to satisfy existing Waiting Lists.
6. To support the Self-
Membership Secretary
1. To deal with all matters relating to the Membership.
2. To collect subscriptions and pass them to the Treasurer.
3. To maintain a record of all Members and the allocation of Membership Numbers within the U3A Database.
4. To compile Course Registers for the Autumn term and the Spring/Summer Terms, distributing these to Leaders in appropriate time.
Venue Hire Secretary
1. To prepare and maintain the programme of venue hire for the year.
2. To maintain contact with representatives of the various venues.
3. To work within the budget constraints to ensure optimum efficiency in the hire of venues.
4. To inform the Chairman, Treasurer and Courses Secretary of the venue hire programme and its subsequent development.
5. To liaise with the Talks Organiser re venue hire.
6. To search for new suitable venues.
Newsletter Editor
1. To produce the full Newsletter before the start of each term and the Mid-
2. To request entries for the full Newsletters and Mid-
3. To produce the Programmes for the local Libraries and other local establishments three times a year.
Our Committee