Website Editor
1. To maintain the Wimborne U3A website with the latest information.
2. To add to the website information requested by Leaders, Committee Members, Social Events Co-
Minutes Secretary
1. To take the Minutes at all Executive Committee Meetings and the Annual General Meeting.
2. To prepare those Minutes and send to the Chairman for approval.
3. Upon that approval, to distribute the Committee Meeting Minutes to the Committee Members.
4. To liaise with the Secretary for inclusion of the previous year’s AGM Minutes with the following year’s AGM notification mailing.
Publicity Manager
1. To promote Wimborne U3A through locally based media.
2. To maintain contact with other local U3As.
3. To encourage development of Wimborne U3A by canvassing Members on their ideas.
4. To liaise with the Social Events Co-
5. To maintain contact with the Third Age Trust concerning its programme of activities and its possible benefit to Wimborne U3A.
Equipment Manager
1. Maintain the list of Wimborne U3A Equipment (in conjunction with the Treasurer).
2. Be the Primary Holder of all equipment.
3. Monitor the Secondary Holder and Storage positions in order to be fully aware of who is borrowing each item and where it is stored.
4. Arrange the occasional transfers of equipment between Leaders as and when required, with suitable paperwork completed so the position of all equipment is always known.
5. Manage the Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) programme.
Publications Manager
1. House the U3A laser printer.
2. Print upon request from Committee Members at Wimborne U3A cost and Leaders at charged cost. (Labels/merge ability)
3. Maintain stock of laser toner, paper, envelopes, labels and stamps.
Social Events Co-
1. To produce and maintain a programme of Social Events throughout the year.
2. To arrange the Social Events with help from U3A Members.
3. To liaise with the Publicity Manager, Newsletter Editor and Website Editor.
Talks Organiser
1. To produce and maintain a programme of Talks throughout the Autumn and Spring Terms.
2. To arrange audio-
3. To liaise with the Venue Hire Secretary, Public Relations Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Website Editor.
Our Invitees