Wimborne u3a

Wimborne u3a was formed in the summer of 2002 and offers learning, leisure and social activities for people not in full-time employment, living in our area. We are part of a world-wide organisation which started in France in 1972. There are 964 u3as in the UK (with over 360,000 members) and 17 in Dorset (with a total of over 7,030 members).

We have over 500 members. We offer around 60 groups, led by enthusiastic volunteers, which means that our membership fee can remain low.

Please do not be put off by the 'University' in our title. All our activities are for enjoyment: there are no exams! u3a is an excellent way of following new interests and making new friends.

Wimborne U3A

Registered Charity  1096535

Chair: Ashley Rowlands

About us

Our Committee Policies and Procedures