Wimborne u3a

Bridge for Beginners (Improvers welcome) Wednesday morning, 9:30 to 12:00 St Nicholas Church Hall, Corfe Mullen Contact the convenor

BEGINNERS: This class will be fun for anybody who relishes a challenge and is able to commit time and energy to learning one of the most intriguing games in the world. Once you have mastered the basics of bridge, you will find yourself set up with a hobby for life: one that will bring you countless hours of stimulating entertainment and a whole variety of interesting friends and acquaintances.

We start at the beginning and no previous knowledge of the game is required. You will be actively involved from Class 1. With constant attendance at the class and some dedication on your part, you will be ready to go out and enjoy playing socially by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the learning experience is enjoyable and stimulating too – nobody who plays bridge ever stops learning.

If, at anytime you have been keen on codes, puzzles, conspiracies, languages or solving anything with a companion or two, well, you might like bridge.

IMPROVERS: Anyone with rudimentary knowledge of the game and anyone who would like to firm up on their bidding knowledge and playing skills, is welcome to join us for the rest of the year after the first few Beginner initiation classes.