Wimborne u3a

Out and About in Wessex Wednesday morning Fortnightly, starting with a field trip and a meeting in the Town Hall the following week Town Hall meetings 11:00 to 12:00 Field trips approximately 10:00 to 2:00 Contact the convenor

We meet weekly in term time, alternating field trips and meetings in the Town Hall. Our group enjoy investigating and exploring local places of interest. These have include factories, theatres and a brewery a well as churches, towns and villages.

Our members take turns to research and organise a visit and present the information at the Town Hall meeting. The following week we meet at the venue for coffee and end with a lunch!

Every member of the group takes responsibility for at least one topic a year. Members need to have their own transport as some of the venues are off the beaten track.

At Poole Guildhall for a history walk of old Poole and a visit to the museum (followed by lunch!)