Wimborne u3a

Singing Group Wednesday afternoon, 2:00 to 3:15 Church House Contact the convenor

Our aim in the singing group is to have fun by singing together.  We are a singing group, not a choir - we simply sing for our own enjoyment.

Anyone is welcome, whatever previous singing experience you may have.  Our sessions normally start with some simple warming-up exercises and then we get singing.  We sing a whole variety of songs and are always keen to hear suggestions from the group. Some songs will be accompanied by piano or a variety of other instruments, some have pre-recorded soundtracks and some are totally unaccompanied!  

Some of the songs are printed on handouts, and some are projected on to a screen.  Click on [Group resources] above to see our song sheets.

Anyone interested in joining us is welcome to come along any week to try us out!

Group resources