Wimborne u3a

Monthly Talks Spring 2025

Our monthly talks take place during our autumn and spring terms; there are normally no talks during the summer term.

The illustrated talks are normally held in the Wesley Hall at the Methodist Church in King Street (opposite the back of the Minster) and begin at 10:30. Teas and coffees are available from the counter on the ground floor from 10:00. Cost is £2 for members and £4 for non-members.  There is no need to book - just come along!

Here are the details of forthcoming talks:

17th January:
Speakers - Jayne and Mike Twomey
Title:  Wimborne Chained Library

Founded in 1686, Wimborne Minster's Chained Library is one of the oldest libraries in England which is still open to the public.
Discover its history from foundation, and hear about its bequests of ecclesiastic and secular books, ranging from theology to botany and history to anatomy.
This talk will appeal to lovers of books, history and those who are naturally curious.

14th February:
Speaker - Helen Baggott
Title:  With Love From Grace

Appropriate for Valentine's Day, Helen will recount the story of Grace, through the postcards she sent, between 1909 and 1914, to the man she would marry eventually. During this period, Grace travelled widely in Europe and her correspondence reveals the fascinating places she visited and the people she met.

14th March:
Speaker - Ivan Smith, Manager, Arundells,The Close, Salisbury
Title: Arundells - The House, The Collection, The Future.

Ivan will give a brief overview of the history of the house, a focus upon the fascinating and varied collection of artefacts and an insight to what the management team do now as well as  the Foundation's aims and objectives for the future.

Friday morning, 10:30 Monthly Wesley Hall, Methodist Church Contact the organiser